Sunday, April 09, 2006

Remember when I posted that "Cole Cutz" character sketch, and I wrote that when I found the others, I'd post them.. No?.? Well, here they are any way, and some vectors from 2002... Man, I've come a long way with Illustrator... Now, if I can only get better at PhotoShop...... Now these are for an idea my friend Juan Gomez and I came up with a while back... He came up with the Hash Brown character and idea, and I couldn't help but sketch that little dude out... Havin' done that, I couldn't stop designin' characters for this idea... How many of them will actually get used is anyone's guess, but I had a blast comin' up with'em...


Mo' Stuff Later,


Tony Akins said...

Please tell me that the Eggplant isn't the Black guy. :~)
These are very cool. You'll have to show me some of your Mad Illustrator Kung-Fu when you're at the studio. Funny on-screen name and backup email account name is t8rtot.
You spud-lovin' so-and-so...carry your bad-ass on!

Anonymous said...


Shut yo mouf!

TMALO70 said...

1) No Akey, the eggpplant is not the Black Guy... But, Johnny did come up with some badguys that'll be called the "Cake Cake Cake"... Should be funny stuff when we're done with it...

2) Mr. Wilhite, Welcome to your first comment on my blog... Hope you dug it... Please feel free to return for more, and continue to leave a comment any time you'd like...
