Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Blasto from El Pasto Time...

Here are the men, with the exception of my little cousin Alexis... I don't have any pics of him with his hair out in the open... But, I still Love You kid...

Since Gramps was already Folicly Challenged when I was born, he was known to always have a Chapeau on... Today was not the case... So, he used mine... YeeHaaaaw!!!

My cousin Ricky always wore his "Fro" proudly... He should defintely grow it back...

And then there's me... What the HELL??? I know I'm makin' a face, I know this... But, even if I smiled nicely for the Photographer, look at that hair... Unfortunately, the curse still follows me to this day... After a haircut, I've got 2 good weeks before I have to break out the Cubs hat...

The Ladies are next...



Marlena Hall said...

Ha, these are great, Tony!

We've got some cueball fro do's in my family tree as well. I guess we Mexicans aren't that far from the tree with you Ricans!

TMALO70 said...

From your lips to "Puerto Rican" GOD's ears... ;OP}

Fro's were the shit back then, I guess... I always prefered to have a crew cut myself... But, I was the kid so I had no money or say, and at the mercy of a time when HUGE hair was socially acceptable... BLECH!!!

