Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 is Gone, and I say "Good Riddance"... While It wasn't all Bad, It was a Life Changin' Year All Around For Me... Hell, for a Lot of People... But We'll Touch on That in Another Post ( Maybe )... I just wanted to Throw some Sketches Up, to start the New Year off here at LRC...

What can I say, I wasn't really Happy with 2008...

This One's a Brushpen Sketch in My SketchBook... My Favorite SuperHero in His Best Costume of all time, Wolverine...

Pretty much what I did with the Previous BatKid Sketches... I took out the background inks, mostly cuz' They Bothered Me in the Colored Version...

Bring Back the Brown and Orange, and Leave It There...

I'll Try to be More Involved this New Year as far as LRC goes...




Mello said...

Wolverine, hell freakin' yeah.

Although I kind of dig his new yellow and blue threads. Oh well, to each his/her own.

Once again. awesome sketches and inkage!

TMALO70 said...


Wolverine is the Shit...

Dependin' on who's Drawin' up the costume often has to do with whether I like it or not... I just have a Preference for the Orange and Brown one, as it's what I saw Him in First (So it stuck)...

Thanks Carmello,


Norm Dwyer said...

really sweet looking Wolverine.
but i have one complaint (don't i always!?) on the colored version. The kindergarten background colors (green grass, blue sky, brown tree trunks) )really destroy the mood and energy of the sketch. The original black tree trunks alone had much more mood and energy. Take a minute and mess with the hue in Photoshop. Give us something moody.
i don't mean to be a bitch... just thinking out loud ...err... typing out loud?!?!
But, honestly, great sketch.

Benjamin Hall said...

I literally LOL'd at the first drawing.

TMALO70 said...

Thanks Norm...

I can see what You're talkin' about, I'll see what I can do with that back ground...

Good... I Giggled as I Doodled It...
