Friday, May 09, 2008

More Random Moleskinery...

There's Lonely Rice Pissin' LuvDeath Off... Not a Smart Thing to do...




ShojinStudios said...

'Bout damm time! Jeesh, sweet stuff Tony!!! I LUUUV IT!

Norm Dwyer said...

nice work tony!
Love the 4 characters on the bottom of the page... Bully Boy, shaggy alien critter, 'fro-man, devil punch.
Good stuff.

TMALO70 said...

Gracîas Juanski Ol' Pal,

But Ollie would be pissed at Your "Lack" of "Postage", so ;OD} ~ You can Suck It... Oh, and It LUVs You Back...

Thanks Norms... This is a Moleskine Akey gave Me awhile back that I'm still nursin' (Bad Malo, Bad)... I'm tryin' to Doodle in it More... 'Fro-Man is My cartoony EQ... With the Exception of the Skull TeeShirt, that was Bully I went to school with back in 7th grade... And "Yes", He did have some Hairy-Ass Arms...



Marlena Hall said...

Tony I LURV Zombie Rice!

And lil' luv death is pretty cute, even though he's all angst-y and stuff.

TMALO70 said...

Zombie Rice LURV'S You Too Marlsy... Now let Him Nibble on Your Medulla Omblongata...
