ChicagoRican Antonio “tmalo” Maldonado has been working as a cartoonist on and off for the last 23 years... He’s done work as a
comic, production, and storyboard artist, character designer, and game animator for companies like Comico, Moonstone, Snap2Play,UMI, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon network... He brings unbridled insanity and doodles of mass destruction to the table. Armed with sketchbook, pencil, trusty laptop, and an imagination that just won’t
quit. He continues to strive for cartooning excellence in order to contribute to the evergrowing world of, COMICS...
Antonio also lives in Edgewater/Chicago with Puggle Puperoni Stella...
ask davers. not only is he a veggie expert...he is a mushroom!
come to think of it... you have 3 tubors, 2 fruits and 1 fungus.
Ah Yes... Davers the Vegan... He should know... You Sir are Brilliant...
I'm assumin' that "Tubors" is the way Pete says Fruit...
nice. veggies t-malo style!
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