And I think it's time to post some Sketch-A-Roni's...
So, here they go...
Panda Doodies... These are residual Sketches from a Character Design job I had that fell through... Maybe the next "Sketch Dumpola" will be all Animales... Would You like to see them ??? I knew You would...

Another Sketch for my future Barbarian Story... It's not even close to a "Done Design"... However, it'll give me something to work with when it's time for me to jump on that project, someday...

This one came from a Goofy-Ass Dream, last month... Where 2 pillows were Boxin'... I thought it was kinda' funny, so I doodled it out...

Awww... They're Pals... And that Damned Lonely Rice, startin' SHIT... I'll get him back for that "Axe-Murderin' Thing"...

I so wasn't in a Good Mood the day I Sketched this one out... I figured it might be a good idea to sketch out my Anger, rather than push some AssHole into oncomin' traffic...

Well, that's it for this "Sketch-A-Doodie" session...
Catch Ya'lls Later,
DAMMIT TON!!! Where can i buy that hoodie???? WOwie, Tony you rock!!!! Can you post more on those pillow fighters...Brilliant idea by the way(or dream). I'd buy me sum for BabyJesusDay! sweet!
I'm glad you sketched instead of pushing people into traffic.
I'd hate to have to visit you in jail.
Awesome work as always, T!
As soon as I scan the other Pillow Fighter, I'll post it... As for the Hoodie, we'll see what happens... And, Baby Jesus thanks You...
Thanks... Yeah, I'm glad I sketched too... I would not do well in jail... I'm way too cute to end up some convict's wife... But You can't tell me that the world's population couldn't use some weedin' out... And, I'm just the Tony for the job...
Love the Future Barbarian. The Pandas are great too! Love the blue pencil panda in the background. He's like the embarassing cousin in the family photo! You just need to pencil him giving the center guy rabbit ears!
Nice to see some new sketches from you!!
GRRR. Blogger is fugged. I can't post my commment as me. bla!
Sweeeet. I want "Suck It" Magnets!! You rock- as always.
Norm: I shall try out the "Rabbit Ears" idea... Sounds like the Funny that sketch needed... Sorry about your anonymity...
Wally: Thanks Brotha'... "Suck It" Magnets, huh??? Let me think...
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