Thursday, September 07, 2006


And, here they are... Some Old, some New...

I know, I know... Just about every cartoonist has some kind of Animal, LiL Beastie, or what have you that's wearin' a FEZ... It's true... But do they have Bubble Pipes??? I think not my Friend, I think not...

Another page of Doodled CUCOS!, with Pokin', Proddin', and the Gratuitous Fart Doodie... And, a CUCO! with a Penchant for Christmas Clothin'...

Goofy Doodles at their most Mediocre... So, I thought I'd throw some Marker-Type Hues on'em... Did the colors bring any of these Sketch-A-Roni's to "Life"??? Well, that's really up to you now, isn't it ???

One of the jobs I'm workin' on, has me drawin' stuff that I normally don't draw... ANIMALS... So, I did these Pooches as a warm-up, and liked them... Maybe, I'll keep doodlin' out animals once in awhile, so's I'll keep on top of, "How to"...

I think this speaks volumes on it's own... Don't you???

I wish I knew someone who made costumes... Cuz, I would have this costume and just travel around the city in it...

A Moleskine Sketch... These LiL books are great to mess around in...

That's it for now... Go back to work you lazy slacker, it's over...




Marlena Hall said...

I must say I've never seen a doodle with a fez AND a bubble pipe. Kudos to you, sir.

And I wish I made costumes JUST so I could see you running around the city in that... Because I know you would.

Great work, as always, T.

TMALO70 said...

Well, he is one ELITE Doodle, and that's all the reason he needs to wear a Fez... The Bubble Pipe is to show that despite his Pedigree, he still enjoys LIFE's little pleasures...

Maybe someday, someone will see that I do in fact "NEED" this costume... And, they'll make it for me... But, I doubt it...

Later Marls,