Thursday, March 23, 2006

Chicago's RedLine L Sketches...

Here's another "Oldie" post... Back when I used to take the RedLine to work everyday, the only thing that would make that long-ass commute bearable, was that I'd sketch people on the train... It was a great way to warm-up before gettin' into work and capture so many different looks... Occasionally, someone might see that I was drawin' them, which usually resulted in them either hidin' behind their Sun-Times, or muggin' for the cartoonist (Which would piss me off, especially if I was happy with the sketch)... However, others were so oblivious to everything, they made easy targets... Ahhh, Good Times, Good Times...

If I find anymore, I'll post'em...




Marlena Hall said...

Your ride to work is so much more interesting than mine, Tony.

Great work, as always.

TMALO70 said...

Thanks Marls...

I'm only surrounded by my fellow freaks and weirdos... Someone's gotta sketch them out...


Norm Dwyer said...

I love these!
Did you really see Steve Buscemi on the Red Line?

Tony Akins said...

Wow, really cool. I should give this a shot.