Monday, December 05, 2005

G'Day Maties,

Three more "Post-It Doodies" to show... What can I say ??? I love doodlin' on the LiL Buggers... Not to mention, I really want to try to keep this "SketchBlog" rich with as many New Doodles and BrainFarts as I can... "BrainFarts ??? Whatever does he mean by that", you ask... Well, I'll tell you... I hope to enrich the 45 seconds you spend here, with my sketches, thoughts on movies, music, comics, and the occasional "WEIRD" thing I find...

Here's one of the many "CUCOS" that lives in my brain... Not sure what it's name is, but it looks kinda' snooty doesn't it ???

This one actually started as an excercise... So I can try to incorporate color pencils into my marker studies again... I always felt, that they helped add more depth and texture to a doodle...

And this here is "Zilch"... He's the drummer for one my BrainChildren, The "Zomboyz"... For some reason, Zilch is my favorite to draw... Maybe, the next set of Post-It's will have the rest of the band... As it stands right now, my Best Bud and Partner in MultiMedia Crime ((Rafael Nieves: Check out his blog in the links section... The man is Brilliant with a capital "B")), has asked me to put together a short story with them to add to a much bigger story he's writin', and I'll be drawin'...

Well friends, that's it for today... I hope you enjoyed your brief visit...




Marlena Hall said...

Tony, you're awesome. I love the Robot guy...cause you know, I just love robots.

I can't wait for CUCOS.

AndrewDimitt said...

more stuff you brilliant so and so!

Anonymous said...

Pretty nifty, there. I still think they would RAWK as magnets! Nothing new posted since Dec? Oh, you tease...